There are two different solar hot water rebates that you may be eligible for after installing your solar hot water system. Your eligibility depends on where you live and other specific circumstances of your property which we outline below and you can find more details on your state or territory’s official websites.

The two rebates available for the installation of a solar hot water system are:

  • A State Rebate
  • STCs (previously known as ‘Renewable Energy Certificates’)

State Solar Hot Water Rebates

The rebates available through State Rebates vary on which state or territory you live in. Here is an explanation of what each state and territory has to offer:

Solar panel for hot water system on roof

South Australia

The South Australian government offer a $900 rebate to people who hold a Centrelink Healthcare Card, or are classified as a Pensioner, War Widow, or Disabled War Veteran.


Victoria’s government offers rebates from $300 – $1500, depending on the type of system that you’ve installed, and where you live. It can be a bit of a tricky system, so be sure to ask your installer what you might be eligible for.

Western Australia

In Western Australia  you will be eligible to receive rebates depending on what system you’ve installed. The WA government will pay $500 for solar water heaters with gas boosters, running off reticulated gas; or $700 for solar heaters that run from LPG in areas without access to natural gas.


Unfortunately the solar hot water rebate QLD that was formerly instated ended on the 22nd of July, 2012. However, Queenslanders are still eligible to apply for STC rebates.

New South Wales

No state funded solat hot water rebate NSW available. The previous rebate that was in place ended on the 30th June, 2011.Tasmania

No state funded rebates available.

Northern Territory

No state funded rebates available.

Australian Capital Territory

No state funded rebates available.


Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

You will be eligible to receive some portion of your money back through Small-scale Technology Certificates (previously known as ‘Renewable Energy Certificates’).  STC’s are treated as a trade-able commodity through the Federal Government’s implemented Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). They are applied to the installation of renewable energy systems that included solar hot water systems, solar panels, and heat pumps.

They are available for any system that relies on renewable energy. The amount of money you get back from the installation of your renewable energy system is calculated through a series of factors relating to the generation of renewable energy made through your system.

The amount of money you get back through this system depends on:

  • The efficiency of your solar hot water system
  • The value of the STC depending on the market at that time
  • Where your hot water system is located – the more tropical the area, the better

You can check out the Federal Government’s website for more information, and can calculate what solar hot water rebate you may eligible for through the clean energy regulator website.

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