Prime Minister Abbott Scrapping Carbon Tax

Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbot has instructed his departmental secretary to scrap the infamous carbon tax.

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary, Dr Ian Watt was instructed to prepare for the Coalition’s plans to implement its agenda swiftly to appease public expectation.

According to Prime Minister Abbott, scrapping carbon tax is a priority item for the new government.

“I deeply respect the professionalism of the Australian Public Service,” he said.

“They are experts at policy implementation and I am confident that we will be able to successfully implement our agenda because that’s what people expect of us.”

Senior Labour figures have warned that scrapping carbon tax is not a plan they will support and are likely to frustrate the measure should Senate numbers allow it.

Despite the threats, PM Abbott has assured departmental heads that he is up to the job.

“My previous roles as Employment Minister and as Health Minister have helped prepare me for the tasks ahead.”

The Author

I took an interest in the Australian energy sector close to ten years ago and since then have monitored the trends, technologies and direction of the Australian Energy Market. I was drawn to the Australian solar market in 2008 and since then have worked heavily in the field. I am partnered with national and international solar energy companies, from manufacturers of solar panel and inverter technology, online software developers that introduce tools to quote, monitor and manage solar power systems and media organisations who like myself, closely monitor the solar and renewable energy sector.