South Australian’s Behind a Renewable Election

With an election looming, a Port Augusta lobby group has found local residents are looking to ‘Vote 1’ for renewable energy solutions.

A phone survey carried out in the electorate of Boothby found that more than half of the respondents are more likely to vote for candidates who support a local solar thermal power station development.

At present the proposal space is home to a coal power station.

Lobby group Repower Port Augusts spokesperson Daniel Spencer, says the survey results identify a need for change.

“We don’t know what will happen after the November election, but South Australian’s are clear – they want investment in renewable energy,” says Mr Spencer.

“We’ve been campaigning to build support in both Adelaide and Port Augusta and the poll shows our hard work is paying off.

“Port Augusta and Adelaide locals want this solar station to happen.”

The Author

I took an interest in the Australian energy sector close to ten years ago and since then have monitored the trends, technologies and direction of the Australian Energy Market. I was drawn to the Australian solar market in 2008 and since then have worked heavily in the field. I am partnered with national and international solar energy companies, from manufacturers of solar panel and inverter technology, online software developers that introduce tools to quote, monitor and manage solar power systems and media organisations who like myself, closely monitor the solar and renewable energy sector.