by Australian Solar Quotes

With renewable energy technology at a record high, it is optimistic to say that that reviewed building regulations will create reduced energy bills in the future.

The Welsh government says that weekly energy bills can be as low as $7.50 a week next year if changes are made to the current regulations.

This includes additional insulation materials in the walls and ceilings, heat pumps and thermal solar water heaters, and more importantly solar panels.

Builders are forcasting a further $15,000 to $20,000 increase in the cost of building a new home however the Welsh government are predicting only a $7,000 increase.  And with the technology and demand on a strong increase, the cost to be more sustainable has never been more affordable.

Click here to see the full story from the BBC.

The Author

I took an interest in the Australian energy sector close to ten years ago and since then have monitored the trends, technologies and direction of the Australian Energy Market. I was drawn to the Australian solar market in 2008 and since then have worked heavily in the field. I am partnered with national and international solar energy companies, from manufacturers of solar panel and inverter technology, online software developers that introduce tools to quote, monitor and manage solar power systems and media organisations who like myself, closely monitor the solar and renewable energy sector.